The best exercise
is the one
that is always accessible

The best gym is not the more equipped one but the one in your neighborhood, so that you can get there anytime you feel like

    June 1, 2024

    Different Types of Muscle Contractions in TRX Suspension Training

    Muscle generates force through different phases of contraction. Muscle is made of small fibers that are called myosin. Muscle contractions…
    Training Systems
    June 4, 2023

    Bodyweight Hypertrophy Sets with TRX

    With TRX suspension trainer being at hand, many fitness enthusiasts ask, how can we use this tool for optimum muscle…
    Calisthenics Crossfit
    August 2, 2022

    An Outlook on CrossFit Bodyweight Workout

    Every exercise regimen emphasizes a specific aspect of fitness. CrossFit bodyweight workout involves elements of various training systems to develop…

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